Maybe you have been researching everything you possibly can about thread lifts and what to expect before booking yourself in for the non-invasive and entirely non-surgical procedure.
Instead, perhaps you have never even heard of a thread lift before coming across this article and are simply browsing the internet to look for hints and tips on how to combat wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Either way, continue reading for a guide to thread lift and the most commonly asked questions answered.
What Exactly Is a Thread Lift?
A thread lift is essentially a non-surgical alternative to a surgical facelift and is a way to tighten the skin in and around your face and neck area, or instead, the breasts.
A thread lift, also referred to by medical professionals as a barbed suture lift, is conducted using sterilized material to essentially draw the skin upwards and taut, evening out fine lines and wrinkles in the process.
What Results Can You Expect from a Thread Lift?
Most people who choose to have a thread lift when wanting the skin on their face, neck or breasts to appear substantially smoother and generally rejuvenated and refreshed, note positive and impressive results immediately after the procedure.
However, as with any process, indeed surgical or non-surgical, such as the thread lift, reputable and established clinics state that after thread lift treatments, the real and permanent positive effects from the session will be fully visible after eight weeks or so.
How Safe Is a Thread Lift?
Throughout the United Kingdom, the only clinics that are legally authorized to perform a thread lift procedure are those which are registered with the CQC.
It is, therefore, perfectly acceptable to entirely know that your thread lift will be handled by expert medical professionals and is safe as possible. All practitioners who have trained to carry out thread lifts are also thoroughly educated in the right skills to care for your skin after the treatment has been administered, so you really will be in safe hands, both metaphorically and literally, from start to finish.
How Long Does a Thread Lift Last?
As every single person who chooses to treat themselves to a facial thread lift is entirely different, both in terms of practical things such as their age and the quality of their skin, but also their healing time and how they intend to look after their skin after the procedure, this question is somewhat trickier to answer.
However, even though the duration of the positive after-effects can vary, due in part to the metabolism of the individual, as a rule, you can expect your thread lift to last approximately eighteen to twenty-four months. After this period has passed, many people opt to have another thread lift to maintain fantastic and youthful results.
Moreover, most medical professionals will choose to show you your face in a mirror halfway through the procedure, so you can see for yourself the incredible difference between the ‘before and after’ view.