It is said that two out of ten people get acne in their life. Usually, acne happens during adolescence due to hormonal changes. However, even adults develop acne, but this time not because of adolescence. Acne can cause self-esteem issues, especially when it is on the face. Luckily there are numerous effective treatments. Understand more about acne by reading these essential things you may not know about acne.
Hair and Skin Products Worsen Acne
Hair and skin products that block the skin pores promote acne development. This is because the blockage encourages bacteria growth around the pores. Many women who use skin care products, makeup and hair products may experience more acne than those who don’t. It is advisable to use quality products that don’t exacerbate skin problems. Avoid using too much moisturizer and always wash your face before you sleep.
Acne Can Be Genetic
Some people deal with acne for most of their life, while others may never experience an acne problem. Why? Scientists believe that acne may be connected to genes. If your parents or the people before them had acne, there is a high chance you might develop the problem. Therefore, if you know this, it can be a good idea to prepare for its prevention in advance by having a skincare routine. Use acne prevention products, and don’t forget to scratch your back with a brush when bathing.
Acne is Treatable
If you have developed acne and acne scars, there is nothing to worry about. There are numerous treatment options that help eliminate acne or acne scars. The doctor may recommend laser therapy for acne scars since it is one of the most effective treatment options. It is non-invasive, affordable and has a short recovery period. Consult your dermatologist to know the best treatment and what you need to prepare.
Food Does Not Cause Acne
There is this common notion that certain foods cause acne. Most people believe that greasy foods and chocolate contribute to the development of acne. Acne develops when hair follicles are blocked due to bacteria buildup. Therefore, don’t limit yourself to the food you can eat for fear of developing acne.
OTC Medicines Also Work
Most people will go for skin products to remove acne. However, over-the-counter medicines also help. Products with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide inhibit bacteria buildup. Some over-the-counter medications contain these products. If your skin feels dry after using them, you may add a moisturizer to keep it soft. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking them.
It is Not Possible to Prevent Scars Completely
After acne has developed and erupted, it leaves scars behind from the damage it has caused. Depending on how the skin has healed, you may have different types of scars. The best thing is to know how to minimize the chances of developing spots. Avoid squeezing or popping the pimples. It is also advisable not to scrub them if they have not healed completely. Instead, buy products that treat acne and remove scars.
We hope that you have understood more about acne and why it occurs. Remember, foods don’t cause acne and acne are treatable. Therefore, improve the look of your skin by going for laser treatment and don’t forget to create a skincare routine to prevent acne development.