Dressing up is fun, and it can be expressive. Enjoying what you wear has a number of benefits, including increasing your confidence and improving your general mood. But your mood can also affect what you wear and feel comfortable in.
If you make a conscious choice about what you are going to wear, your mood can shift. Picking out your clothes and putting them together into something you like comes with a unique gratification.
How Clothing Affects Your Mood
According to a study, women who feel depressed, sad, or demotivated are more likely to wear baggy clothes, sweatshirts, and jumpers. At the same time, those who are happier choose to wear their favorite clothes, jewelry, and accessories.
Generally speaking, the women in the study put less effort into their clothing when they feel down and more effort when they feel good. Additionally, 96 percent of the women in the survey said that their outfits affect their confidence level.
In the study, 51 percent of women wore jeans when they were sad, and only 33 percent of women wore jeans when they were in a good mood. That is because jeans are often poorly cut, badly fitting, ubiquitous, and nondescript so the wearer can blend into the crowd without putting much effort into their clothing; people who feel depressed don’t want to stand out.
Find Your Colors
Color is a powerful communication tool; it says a lot to others and speaks for us. There are practical, scientific, cultural, and trendy reasons people wear specific colors. For example, crimson is historically a color for the elites, and outdoor enthusiasts wear colors that help them blend into their environment. In contrast, doctors and nurses wear colors according to their station.
Although there are generalities about color (for example, black is sadder, and yellow is happier), how color affects a person is subjective; it largely depends on the person’s experiences. To figure out the color that will work for you, consider categorizing them into “warm” versus “cool” and “muted” versus “vibrant” tones.
Cool Things Down
Cool colors, such as blue and green, bring a sense of calm. Warm colors, like orange and yellow, can boost your mood. The muted or light colors, such as white, invite quieter and softer posture. You will bring more energy to yourself and the environment with vibrant or bold colors.
You don’t always have to buy something new, for a fresh look. You can repurpose or style your favorite items into a new look. If the trousers are too short, turn them into shorts, or mismatch your suits into a spazzato.
Pick Favorites
Over the years, you will collect a lot of clothing and accessories, some you may even forget you have. Once in a while, you need to take stock and get rid of the things you no longer like or need. Empty your closet or wardrobe onto the floor so you can see everything.
From there, you can make a selection. If you have friends of the same size and style, you can swap with them or donate your clothes to a charity. Once you are rid of the clutter and things you don’t like, you will be happier with your clothes.
Choose something that will look great in multiple outfits and work for you. It could be a pair of shoes, sports sunglasses, a hat, or a jacket. Although cartoon characters get a lot of flack for this, there is nothing wrong with having that one outfit item you wear every time. Just ensure it’s a quality item that will last and can act as an anchor for everything else.
Make It Your Own
Fashion has many looks, and some appeal more to you than others. But there are times when an outfit appeals to you, but it’s something that’s not your style; in such a case, you can adopt a new aesthetic. You can take something that appeals to you and use it as part of your wardrobe.
For example, if you like old sailor outfits, you can adopt striped shirts or use a dinner jacket as part of your streetwear. The idea is to draw from what appeals to you, even if it’s not the whole outfit, without changing your style. No matter what you choose to wear, make sure that it’s for yourself and not others. Clothing is a part of you and your personality, so ensure that it always matches you.
Dressing for Happiness
What you wear can say a lot about you; make sure you take command of it. If you are having a bad day, consider wearing something you love, it may boost your mood. Changing your wardrobe can work wonders for your image and self-esteem, but stay true to yourself.