If you have been feeling unhappy with how you look and want to enhance your breast, then Breast Augmentation nj is the way to go. In these implants, either made from silicone or saline are placed inside the breast in order to enhance them. In the case of silicone implants positioning, incisions are made and the shells made out of silicone are either placed above or below the chest muscle. However, saline implants are inserted with the help of the transumbilical route, also known as the navel or the typically the trans-axillary, also known as the armpit route.
What are Silicone breast implants?
The new generation silicone implants have been created with a cohesive gel which is gummy, soft and palpable. As it is gel-based, it won’t run or flow in case the shell is breached. These implants are available in round or shaped implants, smooth or textured and in an expansive variety of volumes. In the rare situation of the rupture of the implant, the gel is expected to stay in the position.
The feel of the gel implants is more natural as compared to the saline implants. Even the risk of ripping is lower than saline implants. As these implants are pre-filled, the size of the implant can be chosen in accordance with the anatomy of the patient who is to undergo the implant.
Who is an ideal candidate for the procedure?
Those are generally good health are a great candidate for this procedure. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then it is best to postpone the procedure for at least 6 months or till you stop breastfeeding as throughout this period hormonal and tissue changes are taking place. If you are considering saline implants, then you should be at least 18 years of age and 22 years for silicone gel implants. Being either underweight or overweight can increase the risk of complications.
What is the recovery period like?
Within a week you should be able to indulge in some light activities and within 6 weeks you should be able to resume your normal life. After the procedure, you may experience some swelling. Keeping your head and shoulders elevated through the first two weeks will help to reduce the swelling faster. Minimize the use of your arms to as little as possible, as it will also help to minimize the discomfort and agitation of chest muscles. Though you will be allowed to walk immediately after the procedure, it is crucial that you avoid activities which increase heart rate and blood pressure as it can prolong the inflammation.