American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is one of the finest colleges in the country and I have just finished a 4 year course there focussing on the practices, theories and principles of ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Studying oriental medicine and acupuncture have completely changed my life and my views on healthcare on the whole. I have found this incredibly beneficial career and my health, and I have been able to use these skills to help those around me such as friends and family members. If you have an interest in studying oriental medicine or acupuncture then here is exactly why this should be the college that you attend.
Teaching Staff
One of the reasons why this college has gained such a great reputation is down to the quality of the professors and the teaching staff here. Many of the men and women who work here have dedicated their lives to these ancient techniques and they have studied all across Asia to boost their knowledge further. You can expect to be worked hard by the teaching staff here but not without great reward.
This college doesn’t just focus on teaching you about these ancient ideas, they are aiming to give you a solid foundation from which to build a career. Within many of the courses there is a focus on administration and management which indicates the point that I am trying to make. You will of course learn about the principles and theories behind this type of medicine but you will also be educated on how you can use it in the modern world and in your career.
Hands On
Within the campus there is a clinic which is attended by real patients and you will have the opportunity to both put into practice what you have learned in the classroom, as well as being clearly shown certain practices and techniques. For me the clinic work really helped my to fully understand what I had been learning in theory and it also helped me to hone my skills during my time at the college.
Award Winning
This is widely considered as the best college for traditional medicine in the country, and it has won awards for its great work here in the USA. Furthermore this is a college which has also hosted conventions which has seen people come from all over the world to convene on campus, indicating hw respected it is in other countries.
his college offers a wide range of courses from Masters courses and Doctorates to short courses to give your sample of what the college is all about and to decide whether or not ancient medicine is for you. The range of courses just goes to show the high caliber of this college and how they are committed to helping all students to reach their goals.
This is a great place to study and if you are interested in ancient medicine then there really is no better place.