Although working from home is no new concept, it’s become more common for people since the onset of COVID. At first, working from home may seem like a wonderful perk. All you have to do is roll out of bed and sit in front of your computer. It seems significantly easier than having to go into the office. However, once the novelty of it wears off, many people realize that it’s more difficult than they think.
The lines between your personal life and your professional life can get blurred when everything happens in the same place. From struggling with productivity to trying to give your kids the attention they need, there are all sorts of challenges that come along with employee monitoring software to do remote work.
Take a look at some of the best tips for successfully doing your job at home.
Get Dressed
Even though it might be tempting to roll out of bed and get straight on your computer, studies show that you’re much more productive if you treat your wardrobe the same as you would if you were going into work. So regardless of whether you have to or not, get in the shower, brush your hair put on a shirt, and put your best foot forward. You’ll produce much better work if you do so.
Create a Work Space
One of the toughest parts of working from home is trying to stay focused with other distractions going on. Perhaps you see a basketball of laundry, warm a pile of papers that you’ve been meaning to put away. It’s important that when you work, you’re in a space entirely dedicated to work. Don’t work on the couch, in your bedroom, or anywhere else where you may be tempted to do something other than gets your job done.
Go For a Walk
It’s extremely important that you get out into the world when you work from home. One of the biggest causes of depression is lack of exercise and fresh air. Don’t allow yourself to fall into a slump without even seeing it coming.
At least once a day, get out and get walking. Even a quick fifteen minute walk around the block and have a huge difference in your overall mood and your productivity. Not only that, but it’s great for your health.
Eliminate Distractions
Other than the distractions of cleaning or organizing in your home, you should also get rid of other distractions that may tempt you. For most people, it’s their phone or TV. The best way to eliminate distractions is to put them out of your sight altogether. Some people may not have the option of eliminating their phones from their workspace. The next best thing is using the screen time feature to turn off certain apps during your working hours.