A completely normal part of life for women, menopause is a natural phase that can cause women to struggle with a variety of symptoms. If you’re married to a woman in the middle of menopause who suffers from night sweats, mood swings, irritability, aversion to spicy foods, insomnia, and more, you probably already know just how challenging this phase of life can be. To support the woman you love, consider buying her a gift that will help ease those symptoms or distract her from them temporarily. For four great gifts ideas for women in menopause, read on.
1. Providing Distractions with Memories
If your wife has been fixated on weight loss, maintaining a healthy weight, or how to reduce hot flashes, one of the best things you can do for her is help her to stay distracted. Like it or not, the symptoms of menopause won’t entirely disappear. For this reason, it’s a good idea that menopausal women learn to find ways to stay busy and distracted.
The gift of home cloud storage, external storage space, or an external hard drive could be a great way to help her use memories to stay distracted. With social distancing and gathering restrictions still in play, many people are struggling with feelings of isolation and hopelessness. This can be even more difficult for a woman in menopause.
Help your spouse by encouraging her to do something she enjoys where she can, instead of fixating on a healthy weight or digestion issues. Offer to walk with her or get daily exercise to combat weight gain, but encourage her to engage in other activities, too. If she’s someone who enjoys family pictures, scrapbooking, or even posting on social media or a blog about her grandchildren, then helping ensure she has great photo storage options, a solid internet connection, and a cloud service that makes sharing with other family members easy could be the best gift you could give.
2. Making Home Improvements
Maybe your spouse has found a way to stay distracted with Smart TV, that digital scrapbooking project or even a favorite book. If she’s often talked about painting the living room or redoing the kitchen, now might be a great time to make those projects priorities. Further distractions, home upgrades can be stressful but often result in a new environment to help with mental wellness.
The global pandemic makes it difficult to travel right now. While she once might have been more concerned about something like upgrading your hotel amenities, odds are that her attention is more on the home. Working together on a home improvement project could be a great way to stay connected, get exercise, and let her know you’re there to support her through this challenging time. In the end, you’ll both have a space you’re more comfortable in, too.
3. Helping Her Stay Connected and Supported
Using projects and hobbies as distractions won’t be enough to support your spouse through menopause. One of the best things you can do for your spouse is to introduce her to MenoFit by MenoLabs. The folks at MenoLabs focus is on helping women live a better life through education, community, and products that provide relief from the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. Something as simple as pointing your wife in their direction could be the perfect gift.
4. Self-care Products
Subscription boxes geared toward her interests, a new pet, CBD products that work to reduce fatigue, anxiety, pain, and insomnia, and even the perfect necklace to represent your unconditional love can all be amazing gifts for any woman going through menopause.
At the end of the day, the best thing you can do if your spouse is experiencing menopause is to stay patient and be a good listener. While you can’t change things for the menopausal woman in your life, you can certainly be there to support her. Buying her flowers or taking her out for no reason other than to tell her you love her is a great way to show her you care about what she’s going through. Eventually, menopause and her hot flashes will be over, and she’ll be grateful to you for sticking by her side throughout the transition.