During the preparation of a wedding, there are multiple things that conjure the feeling of a new start. Whether it is a splendid decoration, wedding venue, gifts, feast, and wedding outfits, there are multiple things that make up for a perfect wedding. Among those numerous things, wedding rituals have their distinct importance that simply adds a unique dimension of wedding ceremony.
Well, there are multiple ways to express your feelings and start the journey. There are dozens of dresses you can try, but, really do they have uniqueness to carry? Simply no. No matter how many luxurious wedding parties you throw for your guest, dress up in the most sensational wedding outfit, or buy a masterpiece from the dazzling wedding rings, Wedding rituals are something that does not come with multiple choices. You have to simply embrace the essence they bring into your special day of life. Relish the steps involved in the rituals and give your wedding a great time to remember.
Now, if you’re asking what are the wedding rituals out there? Let us tell you a few secrets.
Secrets, you probably will heards for the first time. Let’s discover what those secrets are:
1. Tossing the Bouquet
After you make the wedding promises, read your vows and kiss the bride, there is a wedding tradition that you have to follow before the day ends. Yes, tossing the bouquet.
In this ritual, the bride tosses the bouquet within the group of their friends. The friends are generally singles one who have to catch them. The lady who catches the bouquet has to walk on the aisle next. Basically, it means wishing luck to her love life and bestowing him a loving partner.
2. Handing Over the Bride
While there are a plethora of traditions in America but some of them are losing touch as the time is passing by. Some are evolving with a touch of modern times. During this ritual, after the whole ceremony is ended. The father of the bride comes forward and hands over the bride to her loving husband.
3. Handfasting
A lovely ritual that is somewhat lost in the past. However, you have to choose to revive it back to life. Within this tradition, the hands of the bride and groom are tied and then the vows have to be exchanged. The condition is the both the individual has to stand facing each other not sideways.
4. Knives as Wedding Gift
This is perhaps the most bizarre out of all the traditions. Like the name suggests, it is completely opposite. Knives as wedding gifts are generally avoided as they are believed to break the bond of love between newly married couples and can cause disharmony in a relationship. So, you if you are planning to perform this ritual, you must stay away from it.
5. Wedding Dress Spider
Spider on a dress is a ritual that you can almost say is a superstition. Spiders are seen as a symbol of fortune and good luck. Therefore if you find a spider in the dress during the wedding day moments, your wedding is viewed as highly successful.