If you want to ensure that you fill out your EIN application form properly so that you don’t delay the process of being assigned an EIN number, simply continue reading on to discover all the information which you’ll need to provide when you decide to go ahead and fill out your EIN application.
Filling out an EIN application:
1. Decide how you’d like to apply for an EIN number
You have four choices to choose from, you can process your application over the phone by ringing the Business and Specialty Tax Line from 7 am to 10 pm from Monday to Friday. You can fax your application to the state fax number. You can mail your fully completed SS-4 form to the IRS or you can choose to complete your application online. So be sure to choose the option which you find the most convenient.
2. Make sure that you have all the information, which you’ll need on hand
If you choose to complete your application online or over the phone, it pays to have all the information which you’ll need to finalize your application on hand. Being organized is essential to applying. Especially as if you choose to complete your application online, your session will expire if you are inactive for 15 minutes.
Also keep in mind that if you return to your application at another point in time, you’ll be required to fill out your form from scratch as the information which you previously entered will not be stored.
3. Make sure to have your social security number on hand
In order to process your application, you’ll need to enter personal information such as your full social security number.
4. Record your new EIN number
If you complete your application over the phone or online, you’ll be issued with an EIN number at the end of your application. Which is incredibly convenient if you require an EIN number as soon as possible.
As an example, if you’ve just started a business or founded a trust, you may need to try and acquire an EIN number as quickly as possible. So that you’ll be able to fill out the necessary legal taxation documents for your business or trust.
If however, you’ve chosen to send your completed application by fax, it may take up to 4 days to receive your EIN number. While if you choose to send your application in the mail it may take up to four weeks to receive your EIN number in the mail.
So be sure to choose your method of completing your EIN application carefully.
5. If you choose to apply for your EIN number online make sure that you visit the official IRS website
Sadly there are no shortage of fake IRS websites, which will try and con you into providing your personal details. So it pays to make sure that you visit the official IRS website in order to protect your privacy.
So if you need to apply for an EIN number either for yourself or for a trust, an estate or a business breathe a sigh of relief as acquiring an EIN number is a relatively simple, straightforward process.
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