Make your trip to any destination an amazing experience by proposing to the one you love when they least expect it. A proposal in itself is a beautiful event, but proposing in a beautiful far-away land will make it a dream come true. Plan your next trip with the ring in your pocket and take your engagement to new heights.
Choose a Scenic Location
When you’re deciding on a location, you should choose somewhere with beautiful scenery, so the backdrop of your proposal photos will look great. Pick a place with nice weather so that you’re not limited to an indoor proposal or at risk of your loved one preferring to stay indoors when you’ve planned an outside proposal. Look for places that won’t be rainy during your vacation so that you and your spouse get the most out of the trip. Bloomberg names Sweden as one of their top destinations to propose in, as well as India and Australia.
Plan it Precisely
Make sure you map out the vacation and plan everything ahead of time. Book the restaurant, plan all transportation, bring extras of any important items or documents, and make your itinerary for the duration of the stay. The more organized you are, the better chance you’ll have at making your proposal the perfect destination engagement. Vogue gives several tips on how to plan your proposal perfectly, and many other resources can help you stay on top of your engagement.
Pick the Perfect Time
Timing is everything, and your loved one will appreciate not having to worry about when they’re doing what. Take the responsibility from their hands and let them relax while you get everything ready. Work with hotel staff to make sure things are set up exactly to your desires so that when the time comes you’ll amaze your future fiancé.
Dress Appropriately
If you’re planning on documenting your proposal, it’s a great idea to make sure your partner is dressed to impress. They’ll appreciate being able to look back on photos and videos and see their complete happiness without worrying that they didn’t look good enough at the moment. Before the vacation, give your partner a spa day and encourage them to get a manicure and pedicure for the trip. It won’t seem suspicious since you’re going to a foreign place and it’ll give you time to make arrangements without prying eyes.
Place the Ring
Since you’ll be travelling, you want to make sure to hide the ring in a place your partner will never find it. Don’t go for the obvious places, like the back of the drawer or under the mattress, and instead find more unconventional techniques. Try hiding your best engagement rings london in a glasses case, a pair of shoes, or a tightly-wound sock ball.
Give your future fiancé the proposal of a lifetime by planning the perfect destination proposal centered around them. Take away their stresses and worries, see wondrous sights, and make irreplaceable memories that will never fade.