When you are looking for gift ideas online, it can all tend to become a bit of a fad, sure you are buying something for somebody so there is some thought involved, but ultimately, you probably want it to be an easy process that you can complete within a few minutes. If you keep landing on similar web pages that don’t offer anything unique, or that are hard to use, you’ll probably find yourself halfway to the shops, already in your car!
What do you want as a customer?
Most people will be aware of gift purchasing online. It’s certainly not a new thing but, perhaps it’s not used as much as it could be for a number of reasons. It’s no good just picking something generic, certainly if it’s designed for somebody special, the last thing you want is for your gift to be the same as somebody else’s, Therefor you need a site that offers some unique ideas and products similar to gift plants online, how often is it that you purchase a plant for yourself, or anybody else for that matter?
Ease of use
For most people, a website should be easy to navigate and be easily accessible and viewable on whichever device you are using. There was a time where all the seller had to consider were the various PC browser options, but things have moved on a lot, finding most people making their gift purchases from some kind of ‘tablet’ device or from their mobile phone. A site that has been programmed to work on all platforms is a must or, as you well know, you’ll probably end up elsewhere, even if the products aren’t as good.
Clear marketing
One of the most important features of any website is that their marketing is clear, the pictures need to be of the highest quality and must represent what you will actually receive, who on earth wants to make a purchase of something for their family, for example that looks to be amazing in the pictures yet, when it turns up, it’s not quite what they expected.
Accurate representation is a must along with clear pricing per product, even if there are additional features you can add, the site must state that “prices start from” giving you an indication that what you see is what you get; however, there are bigger or, different varieties on offer that may differ in cost.
Other than that, the delivery timing and costs need to be as clear as possible with no ‘hidden extras’ as can often be the case when you finally come to the checkout and the cost isn’t what you had initially thought, that can be a real deal breaker.
Apparently is the spice of life, in this context though, it’s important that the site you use has the right number of options as far as gifts go because, if you enjoy your experience and they offer enough variety, you’ll probably go back for more at a different time or for a different occasion. There’s nothing worse than an over-burdened website that sends your mind into overdrive and, although it might seem like a lot to ask, it’s what turns a ‘looker’ into a buyer.