CBD oil, or cannabidiol oil, is a hemp derivative that’s taken the health and wellness industry by storm, especially of late. Whether it’s tinctures, oils, vapors, butters, snacks, teas, or any one of a number of products, more and more stores and selling CBD-filled products to consumers.
As CBD oil’s popularity has been growing, so have the questions about it. What is it? Is it legal? Do you get high? How do you use it? Can it be dangerous? For many, it’s a mysterious compound, and is most often incorrectly associated with marijuana.
Let’s lay down a couple of the facts:
1. CBD is an oil that is taken out of the hemp plant.
2. CBD with THC levels under .3% are legal at the federal level.
3. THC, and not CBD, gives one a euphoric high. CBD does not contain psychoactive compounds.
4. Whether an oil, a topical, a tincture, a vapor, etc, how you use CBD depends on what form and what concentration you have.
5. CBD is not dangerous, but it does have some incredible health, wellness, and healing properties, from anxiety to cancer to skin issues to inflammation.
Because of the correlation it often assumes alongside marijuana, many are hesitant to try it for themselves. It’s so greatly understood, so we’ve compiled a list of 15 powerful quotes on cannabidiol oil to help break the barriers.
So, why do we need to have a better grasp of CBD oil?
Because people don’t understand it:
“CBD doesn’t get you high, it gets you healthy”. (Source: Pinterest)
Because is brings hope to the sick and weary:
“Hemp is hope, not dope”. (Source: Pinterest)
Because it’s curative and healing properties are expansive:
“CBD Is the Best Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Cancer, Anti-Anxiety Superfood You’re Not Eating”. (Source: MindBodyGreen)
Because it naturally brings the mind and body into balance:
“The brain is about a symphony, and CBD can bring the entire symphony into harmony”. (Source: Mount Sinai)
Because it’s a viable solution:
“CBD might be a badly needed new weapon with which to fight the opioid epidemic that claims more than 130 lives daily in the United States”. (Source: New York Times)
Because it isn’t even something new:
“People have been using cannabis forever. The question now is, how do we as scientists catch up?” (Source: New York Times)
Because it’s good for the mind as well as the body:
“Between the mental focus and overall clarity necessary to play a solid round, golf is a challenging sport. That’s where CBD can come into play”. (Source: ESPN)
Because it can alleviate anxiety and stress:
“Within less than a minute, I felt a de-escalation, and after a few minutes, I felt noticeably, appreciably calmer”. (Source: GoodHousekeeping)
Because good habits and healthy changes come when you’re ready:
“Using CBD oil for your self-care practice can be a powerful way to create change and care for yourself”. (Source: carleyschweet.com)
Because the world is a changing place:
“CBD will change culture. People are less interested in drinking in bars, getting really drunk, feeling shit the next day, letting their body down, having issues with their body because of that. The shift is happening: more people are interested in eating healthier, living healthier, and this is part of that”. (Source: theguardian.com)
Because even medical professionals recognize it’s healing powers:
“As a physician, I recommend nutritious hemp seeds and oil to anyone interested in maintaining a healthy diet. Everyone will benefit when American farmers can grow this amazing crop once again”. (Source: Dr. Weil)
Because the world is quick to judge:
“I want people to get over the stigma about hemp. These seeds can’t make you high, but they will make you feel good”. (Source: Ziggy Marley)
Because even athletes can see how it helps:
“CBD is a desperately needed natural way for athletes to recover from minor and major injuries without long-term effects or addictions”. (Source: Forbes)
Because it’s a universal plant with incredible range:
“Hemp: the only plant that can feed you, house you, clothe you, and heal you”. (Source: Pinterest)
Because it’s more natural at helping your body than any other drug:
“Your body has an endocannabinoid system. It doesn’t have a Zoloft or Ibuprofen system”. (Source: Pinterest)
CBD is a natural, plant-based form of treatment. Whether what ails you is of the mind, of the body, or both, cannabidiol oil has the potential power to change lives when people allow it to. It’s so natural, it contains compounds that already exist within the human body.
As global interest in the product grows, more and more questions are being answered. The legislation passed just last year legalizing CBD with low to non-existent THC levels was the tip of the iceberg that will bring CBD oil into a world of acceptance and understanding.
As more research is conducted, as more people try it and give testimonials, as people find their lives changed forever, or the lives of their loved ones eased, CBD oil.
Though it’s currently being touted as a miracle, cure-all, there are of course boundaries that exist to limit the power of the compound. Pain management, anxiety, stress, aches, pains, cancer, appetite increaser, muscle recovery, are simply some of the more common conditions it’s purported to aid and relieve.
And of course, as one would with any medical treatment or product, it’s crucial to have a reliable source, with experience and expertise in the product. Ask questions. Don’t hesitate to share concerns. Communicate what you hope to get out of it. Explain what your symptoms are. Be open and willing to see what it can do for you.
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