It is common for men and women to experience hair loss as they age. The good thing is that there are hair restorations that can act as permanent solutions to what they are experiencing. Some of these restorations involve cosmetic tattoo techniques that cover a balding scalp.
This technique is called scalp micropigmentation or SMP, and it utilizes tattoo instruments in the process. If you have deformities that you want to conceal or want a non-surgical cover-up, you can hide your scalp and create an illusion that you still have a denser mane. Most licensed physicians in Miami who specialize in cosmetic treatments are the ones that do SMP treatments.
SMP Acts as a Permanent Hair Concealer
Most men and women use scalp concealer products, and it became a million-dollar industry. The concealers can range from fibers to pastes that are frequently applied to the balding area to lessen the contrast of the color and the skin underneath.
However, the concealers are not enough, and they are not aesthetically pleasing to the eye. As a result, it is less common for cosmetologists to use concealing products because of their unrefined results.
On the other hand, there are tattoo instruments that can be carefully applied to the scalp to resemble delicate follicles. This process of scalp micropigmentation in Miami can make the overall look of the head more uniform. It will bring the illusion to the casual observer that a balding person doesn’t experience any receding hairline or balding.
The Process of SMP
The scalp’s skin is considered to have a very complex structure. The scalp’s general thickness is often consisting of muscles, glands, fats, blood vessels, nerves, and more, and these all support the hair. The supporting infrastructure of glands and dermis can be found more abundantly at the head than in other parts of the body because the skin there holds a large terminal of hair.
However, there are times when an illness can alter the skin structure at the head, which can result in balding. There is usually a reduction in fat that can result in deformities and hair loss. With the SMP process’s help, you can solve your problems with deformities and balding, and the results will be creative, good, and inconspicuous. Know more about the causes of hair loss in this link here.
Who are the Ideal Candidates for SMP?
1. Those who have scalp cars
There are times when a medical condition called alopecia can cause scalp scars. The edges may look more ragged, and there are severe burning, pain, and itching sensations. The affected areas may have scaling, redness, blisters, or even pus. If this is the case, then getting an SMP after treating the alopecia can be the best course.
2. People who have Autoimmune Disease
Alopecia areata can produce a patch of baldness which can affect the overall texture of the skin. This is considered as an autoimmune disorder where the immune system becomes misguided and reacts to things that it shouldn’t target.
If you have male pattern baldness because of autoimmune disease and the hair follicles are getting destroyed in localized areas of the skin, it’s better to seek help immediately. You can address the balding areas and breakages with a cosmetic tattoo that can cover your scalp best.
3. Thinning or Balding Women
If you are a woman who is not qualified for a hair transplant and your scalp continues to become more visible, then it’s time to seek intervention. There are times when the doctor may prescribe Minoxidil for hair loss, which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
However, in most cases, the benefits also stop when you don’t drink the medication. If you don’t qualify for a hair transplant, it might be time to search for other SMP interventions. Read more about the process of SMP here:
Other People Who Can Benefit from Scalp Micropigmentation
- Patients undergoing chemotherapy
- Deformities involving hair restoration or unplanned progression of hair loss in men
- Scars from neurosurgeries or head trauma
- People with visible scars because of being a donor strip harvesting programs
- Those who don’t want to use wigs or concealers
- Clients who have regional balding and who wish to have a fuller head without the need for shaving
How the Procedure is Performed
The primary function of SMP is to act as a permanent concealer and to have artistic results to the client. The ones with balding scalps can benefit the most from these. The first consultation requires you to establish a realistic expectation and goal with your cosmetologist.
You may have a picture with you of what you want your head to look like after the procedure, and your cosmetologist will see if they can achieve this effect. Some providers can create painted scalps so that you can achieve a sense of fullness. However, understanding that the scalp should still be visible to have a more natural look is crucial in the process.
When realistic expectations are established, the operator will procure the needed tools such as pigments with hues, needles, and other aesthetic factors that can make the results more natural. The process is started when the droplets of pigments are inserted into the upper part of the dermis.
The needles are used in cycles to perforate the epidermis and go back to the upper dermis. The depth of the needles inserted will depend on the judgment made by the operator. Some of the factors that should be considered are the correct level and amounts of pigments to get the desired effect.
The stippling of the dots will vary in size and the artistic judgment of the operator. If the pigments can only penetrate the epidermis, the entire process will fail because the hues will leak out of the skin after just a few days.
If the pigments are placed too deep in the dermis, this will also fail because it will diffuse outside of the area’s confines where it is originally intended. Since this is a complicated process, you need to look for an expert in Miami that can control the degree of the pigments and other factors in SMP so that the results will be excellent.